– Mark Edward –
This time of year, guys talk about New Year’s Resolutions.
While they sound manly leaving our lips, many resolutions fall by the wayside on or about, February 7.
Or maybe January 7.
As leaders, the first person we must lead is ourselves.
We can’t effectively lead ourselves – until we know where we are headed.
When we have a sense of where we headed, we take STEPS.
The best steps are taken — are those steps which lie within the framework of our GOALS.
In this short post, I’ll share with you an easy 6-step method for setting and reaching attainable goals.
One of my early business mentors (who was a woman, btw, and — is one of the best leaders with whom I have ever served), would often tell me,
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If it isn’t in writing, it doesn’t exist.
So it goes without saying that the foundation for setting and attaining goals is writing them down.
But, in the 21st century we are digital — we often type. I still do both (write down and type).
Why both?
I want to pass on my legacy and hopefully some wisdom to my great children. In 2065, a digital copy of my present goals may not be loadable from this site. Who knows what technology will be like then?
Yet, my handwritten journals and yearly calendars (which I have been preserving since 1977), will hopefully be passed down.
A simple 6-step process has helped me attain many goals over the last few years.
First, let’s outline the 6 easy steps, then I’ll share with you a sample of my personal past goals.
To begin, I divide my goals by categories.
Some of my categories are:
- Family
- Personal
- Finances
- Mentoring / Ministry
- Work
You can add others. Or have less categories.
Next, for each goal, I outline 6-Steps:
1) WHAT:
Describe the Goal in One Phrase
2) WHY:
Show the Reason Why You Want to Attain this Goal
– The Reason keeps you motivated!
3) HOW:
List Steps for How You Will Achieve the Goal
– Without the HOW, there will be no steps to take.
– Without steps to take, you’ll never have progress.
When Do You Want to Reach this Goal?
– Without a Target Date, you have nothing to hit.
This is Where You “Check In” With Your Goals Regularly
– Write or type how your goal is (or is not) progressing – and why.
– What needs adjusted?
My favorite part! Documenting When the Goal is Reached!
– Remind yourself of your success.
Check out an Actual Sample of My Past Goals – Including The 6 Step Template – HERE
I get pumped thinking about how reaching my goals will affect the lives of others.
Personal changes I make this year, can profoundly impact many lives around me — and men I will never meet who surf to this site. For decades to come.
As a young leader, you can do the same.
Goals on The Go
Besides writing in my leather Journal, I type my goals on Evernote.
It’s free.
You can access Evernote from any computer or smart phone in the world 24/7, to remind you of your goals, and update your progress.
Look at them regularly.
TIP: I also use Mobile Evernote to take notes during meetings and church services.
Be Accountable
I recommend sharing your goals with a carefully chosen peer, and/or a mentor.
Don’t share them with just anyone. Who will encourage you? Who will boost you forward without being negative about your dreams?
Making it Real
So gentlemen… One of my favorite words of encouragement is,
Your Best Year Yet Starts Today
And you can jump start your Best Year Yet by writing down your goals. If you draw close to your Father God, He will show you things to come about your future.
Write what He shows you.
Write the desires of your heart.
Go for it! Write the:
2) WHY
3) HOW
Investing 60 minutes today, can set the course for the next 525,600 minutes of this coming year..
Will You Take 60 minutes and Write Down Your Goals Today?
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We won’t blow up your IN box. We don’t air your dirty laundry. Ever.
Copyright © 2017 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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