| Mark Edward |
This Article is part of the Series: Arsenal on Thought Life – Home Page
You can begin building your own Arsenal on Thought Life with any “week” of your choice in this series.
But first, be sure you have previously read and understand:
Why You Need Arsenals to Make It / How to Build One
If so, then here’s this week’s weapon!
Thought Life Week 7: Lose the Weight
Take A Few Minutes and Let This Passage Penetrate Your Heart:
Hebrews 12:1&2
CEV (Contemporary English Version):
…So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won’t let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us.
2 We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete…
…let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and
active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,
2 Looking away from all that will distract to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith…
New Living:
…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up…
Strip down, start running—and never quit!
No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins…

This one speaks for itself!
But a couple of things stand out.
What do you have in your life that:
- just wont let go?
- clings to and entangles you?
- slows you down?
- trips you up?
- is parasitic in your life?
Here’s What to do with Those Things:
- get rid of
- strip off
- throw aside
- strip down
- look to Jesus
- run with patience
- never quit
It’s really THAT simple.
It takes effort.
You must stick with it.
You can do it.
What weights do you need to let go of?
Here’s a Brief Reminder on How to Build and Use This Arsenal over time.
- Choose just one passage per week (select your weapon)
- Add it to your arsenal ** (value your weapon)
- Meditate on the passage – get it into your heart (know your weapon)
- Speak it out loud daily (get familiar & comfortable using your weapon)
- Return – HERE – next week until you’ve fully developed your own Arsenal on Thought Life.
** When adding to your Arsenal, be consistent with your storage system.
Build it on your phone, laptop, or tablet. Utilize Evernote, OneNote, your Journal, or even 3×5 cards.
Use what works for you.
You can email this article to yourself at the bottom of this article.
Why is this series on thought life important?
Guys, your mind is not born again.
It has to be RENEWED.
Enhance and Advance Your Legacy™ by defending yourself, your wife, your children, your business, your money…against the wiles of your enemy in any area of your life. He’s a thief.
Defend your ground!
You must build your Arsenal in order to overcome.
If you don’t, who will?
Feel free to reply below or email us privately if you don’t want your mother stalking your personal business.
We never share email addresses.
We won’t blow up your IN box. We don’t air your dirty laundry. Ever.
Copyright © 2014 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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