DEIB. And Dweebs.
I’d Rather Talk™ welcomes young men regardless of race, sexual orientation, ability, appearance, weight, height, socio-economic status, and any marginalized identity.
We embrace Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB).
And. We’ve all been a Dweeb and some point.
Based on the Life Skills we share here, our target audience is young men, 18 to 30 something.
The Doctor is Out.
I do have a degree, but I am not a doctor.
I don’t even have a fake doctorate. Or an honorary doctorate that was bestowed upon because I need my book to say “DR.” on it.
The content of this website is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute or replacement for, professional medical or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
If you have or suspect you have a medical or psychiatric condition or problem, contact a professional healthcare provider.
Thanks But No Thanks.
If you see your name, pictures, blog, website, quote, book, or other resource belonging to you — and you don’t want it here — please contact me.
Pictures propriety to me might not be removed.
Efforts are made to display photo credits when available with the intention of not infringing on any copyright.
In my articles, when a real life situation is described – and it’s kinda personal – I reserve the right to change the names of guys in my posts, to protect the privacy of My Circle. I may leave names out entirely.
To copy a line from the movies: “All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.”
Agree to Disagree
I don’t necessarily agree with every teaching found in every Resource or Link.
Eat the Hay. Spit out the Sticks.
You should do that here as well.
I will probably write something you don’t like – or even strongly disagree with – at some point. I’m OK with that. You’ll have to be OK with that too.
I own the domain. I pay for the space.
I’m not here to engage in disagreements.
If you have to unfollow, that’s OK. I’m not here for LIKES.
Because we Post publicly and Podcast publicly, we reserve the right to edit or delete snarky comments. Although we do enjoy interacting, we may not be able to reply to every comment or email.
Major on the Majors
If you are a minor, I’d Rather Talk™ recognizes that you are beginning your journey into manhood (and you probably do need someone to talk to about life).
However, due to the personal topics sometimes discussed here, our intended demographic is 18 and above.
Many young men under 18 surf the web daily, so we can’t keep you from reading here.
But, if you find something helpful and you want a reply, ask a parent to contact us first.
I’d Rather Talk™ does not knowingly reply to persons under 18 without permission of the parent or guardian.
If you are under 18, with your parent’s permission, you may want to visit: Boys Under Attack for information for guys in their early teens.
I’d Rather Talk™ is not affiliated in any way with Boys Under Attack, nor, are we responsible for any content or discussions posted there.
No Estrogen Here.
We love ya, but, this site is not intended for you.
It is targeted head-on for the male species. Blunt, direct, honest, uncomfortable at times, funny, a little crass, and sexual.
Guy Stuff. There might even be a fart audio clip somewhere.
I know, right?
Like, I said, for men.
If you don’t have testicles, you don’t belong here.
So…please go surf Pinterest or watch Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, or some other annoying chick show.
We sincerely need you and thank your for saving our butts from destruction and for being our deeply loved help mates and all that.
Hopefully your man will drop in here and be inspired to change (thereby making your life happier).
BTW, do not subtly ‘suggest’ that he surf here.
Now, go away. That is all.
Feel free to reply below or email us privately if you don’t want your mother stalking your personal business.
We never share email addresses.
We won’t blow up your IN box. We don’t air your dirty laundry. Ever.
Copyright © 2013, 2023 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
What? Not following us on Social Media?
We don’t clog up your feed. We don’t tweet hourly. We don’t care about Likes. We don’t need more Followers for our ego. We don’t post closeups of Shrimp Cocktail.
Insights tastefully cybered to men. Once in a while.