|  Mark Edward  |
Podcast Release
Maybe you’ve struggled with the pain of having an absent dad – either physically absent, or emotionally absent.
Resist the urge to isolate because of your dad’s choices. You have not failed. This is not on you. You can find hope. Your man tank can be filled.
You can be fully restored.
You can become as strong as a young man whose dad actually was present and healthy. Â
DI Coffee Bar
Davis Islands FL
We all crave guidance, training, full acceptance, time, friendship, and of course healthy affection from our fathers. If not from him, then from a well balanced father figure.
Today my Co-Host, a thirty-something millenial and native New Yorker, opens up about having a physically absent dad who abandoned him and his mother when he was age 9.
Despite many setbacks, Chris earned his Master’s Degree in Psychology. He may share some of what he has learned as he counsels children and teens in our local schools, facing similar dad wounds.
But more so, he opens his man soul in a profoundly vulnerable yet funny and in-your-face way, by sharing both the extraordinary loss – and his healthy recovery journey of overcoming after growing up fatherless. Â
I admire Chris’s incredible authenticity during this episode. We had a couple of meetings where man tears were shed by both of us over the expansive, vast, emptiness in his heart from the wounds left from his absent father.
Mentoring Meeting – 2017
Other emotionally healthy males can help fill that void.  Gentlemen – It is possible to overcome.
I learn something from Christopher every time we hang – his insights on not having a dad, and his professional expertise are so evident in this episode!Â
Full on, opinionated, and witty – I think you’ll enjoy it.
Chris, The Mueller Brothers,
and Jose Jesus Romero
Who can you reach out to today, to help you overcome the father wounds of an absent dad?
A trusted mentor?
Join my guest, Psychologist Christopher Marichal for some helpful insights.
Click on the mic icon below:
Related Reading:
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Copyright © 2021 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site,  I’d Rather Talk ™
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Insights tastefully cybered to men. Â Once in a while.