|  Mark Edward  |
Podcast Release
Is masturbation in marriage OK?
What about porn?
Marine Major Cameron Allen Hubbard, a part of My Circle since 2008, goes there, as we talk about keeping your sanity while juggling marriage, parenting, career, and learning to care for yourself.
Cameron makes it real about:Â Â Dating, getting married, then immediately getting deployed;
The most important act he does for his spouse; His best advice for young husbands; How being a new dad wasn’t really that much fun – “kinda lame…”
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We discuss coping when one child was much more difficult than the other; How he helped his wife during severe post-partum blues;
His best advice for young fathers;
Getting through a miscarriage ; The challenges of being an introvert while being a Major in the military…

…and, how he overcame The Big Three – Self Loathing, Isolation, and Sexual Shame.
Cameron, who earned his Masters in Applied Communications, candidly addresses how growing up in the purity culture affected his outlook on sexual feelings and masturbation.
We talk about pushing porn back, and using (porn free) masturbation in marriage as a tool to help strengthen the marriage, not hinder it.

We even hit on ways to have sexy interactions with your spouse when you are apart, on business trips, or deployed.
Finally, he shares tips for taking care of yourself, and loving yourself: Â The Man in the Mirror.

You will find what Cameron shares to be relevant, insightful and helpful.
I know this dialogue will resonate with young husbands, fathers, and husbands and fathers to be.

đź“· Major Cameron Allen Hubbard, Haley,
and kiddos – 2021
Join myself and our friend of 15 years, my co-host, Marine Major Cameron Allen Hubbard, as he gets real about his journey as a young husband, new father, officer in the military, and, learning to love the Man in the Mirror.
Up close and personal.
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Copyright © 2022 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site,  I’d Rather Talk ™
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Insights tastefully cybered to men. Â Once in a while.