|  Mark Edward  |
Podcast Release
Twenty One Percent of Gen Z’s now identify as part of the LGBTQ community.*
Meaning, that if you interact with 5 Gen Z’s today, it is possible that one of them is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer.
Even in the 21st century, much debate still exists in the evangelical Christian community about the involvement an LGBTQ person in the church – to the point that denominations split over the debate.
Is an LGBTQ individual welcome in the church?
What does “welcome” really mean?
Can an LGBTQ individual serve in the church?
If so, can they volunteer in the VBS class room with the kids, or will they be relegated to the VBS sign up table, where they can be monitored?
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Can they sing in the choir, but not direct the choir?
And of course, are they going to heaven or hell?

The enormous pressure of rejection, whether silent or outright, often felt by a person who identifies as LGBTQ, brings about fear, perceived shame, anxiety, self loathing and self hatred, especially for those like my Co-host, who begged God in their childhood and adolescence, to make them straight.
LGBTQ youth are four times more likely to seriously consider suicide, to make a plan for suicide, and to attempt suicide versus their peers (Johns et al., 2019; Johns et al., 2020).
The Trevor Project estimates that at least one LGBTQ youth between the ages of 13–24 attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the U.S.

đź“· Devin Mueller, Mark, Jordan Mueller – 2017
The point of this Episode is not to debate whether an LGBTQ person is “living in sin” or “going to heaven or hell.“
Instead, we explore what daily life is like for a gay young, talented, professional in his 30’s, wanting to be a part of the evangelical church in the Bible Belt.
Can a gay man walk in peace with God?
Can a gay man worship God?

Have you befriended anyone who is LGBTQ?
Do long held myths and fears about the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or queer persons keep you at arm’s length?
Would you invite a member of the LGBTQ community to sit with you at church?
Would you invite them for a meal in a restaurant in your community – and – be glad to be seen with them – or embarrassed?

đź“· Devin Mueller, Jordan Mueller, “Penny”, Mark
Davis Islands – 2019
I don’t ask these questions to appear judgmental of churches or evangelical Christians.
I ask these questions so we can re-evaluate our beliefs, our behaviors, and our actions toward other humans who may not fit into our paradigm.
đź“· Devin, Mark, Logan
Nashville, TN
Join myself and our friend of 14 years, my co-host, real estate professional, Devin Robert Mueller, as he gets real about his journey as a gay man in an evangelical world.
Up close and personal.
Click on the mic icon below:
*Gallup Poll Feb 2022
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This article was first published on the site,  I’d Rather Talk ™
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