| Mark Edward |
Quite a few great quotes here, because, well… mentoring is one of my favorite topics.
I have a passion for seeing men succeed in life.
Success and happiness in their relationships, friendships, dating, marriage, sexuality, parenting, destiny & direction, sonship (walking closely with God), and other tough issues guys face.
Many men have no one with whom they feel they can trust – to be vulnerable enough to talk about real issues.
Fear. Struggles. Pain. Perceived Failures.
It’s an epidemic.
I have intentionally, carefully, and purposefully, journeyed with over 150 young men since 1983.
While some come and go, we still have contact with about 65% – many since their formative high school & college years… and some of our relationships and friendships spanning many years…
…now strong husbands, fathers, businessmen, pastors, musicians, creatives, and leaders in their communities.
I haven’t stopped mentoring because – honestly – the line of young men who need a masculine, yet caring, “present and connected” male figure in their lives continues to increase.
It is Worth It.
Read more about Why I Mentor —>HERE.
For now, enjoy some great visual quotes on Mentoring! Have some to add? Email us idrathertalk.@gmail.com.
Read more about Building Healthy Male Friendships, HERE
He’s got to be willing to put in some blood, sweat, and tears. If not. You are wasting your time and energy.
It’ not fair to you, to him, or to someone else who is ready to grow.
These 2 godly young musicians urged me to launch this website.
Like Paul and Timothy, we are here for each other.
(This helps in Mentoring, Friendships, Dating, Marriage, and at work)
It’s not my first choice.
But sometimes guys will say things by text that they are not ready to say in person.
Too afraid. Too Ashamed.
I have also texted more than one young man – for months – in order to build trust in the relationship – before he was ready to talk by phone or in person.
The subsequent fruit was worth the effort.
On average, I exchange 3,000 texts per month with the young men in my Circle.
Still. Face to Face always rules.
Speaking faith and hope into those you mentor, is paramount to their success. Even when they don’t seem to be conquering, call them conquerors. Call those things that seem not, as though they were.
I”ll be honest.
The seasons of separation are the most difficult and painful parts of mentoring for me.
I’m super relational. I get attached.
But separation – learning to fly on their own – is crucial for healthy male growth.
You don’t have to leave the plane. Just step out of the cockpit for a while.
The joy is that even with seasons of separation, many do stay with you for life.
They come back.
You pick up where you left off.
Your brotherhood and friendship is richer.
You still made a difference.
Til they are old. And you are really old.
My Dad and I – 2010
The Best Mentor I Know.
A healthy mentor does not produce clones or carbon copies of himself.
He helps each young man find his own voice.
( — Quote: Dean Berg)
My friend and Front of House Audio guy’s 22nd Birthday, (is now Dr. Bruce Alan Abkes.)
Hoover Dam (bridging Arizona and Nevada). Yes. Those are grapes in his nose.
Check out our Quotes on Leadership —> HERE
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Copyright © 2018 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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