– Mark Edward –
ShorTTakes™ can be read in 3 minutes. Or less.
I talk with young men almost everyday who struggle with one temptation or another.
As men, our first go-to thought when we hear the word “temptation” is sexual temptation.
And yes – in our Always-Horny-Twenties, and into our Testosterone- Filled-Thirties we often do face sexual temptation here in the sex-saturated U.S. of A.
But what about other temptations?
Maybe your temptation (at least for today) is not sexual:
- Overspending
- Greed
- Overeating (unhealthy diet)
- Alcohol or Drug Abuse
- Wrong Relationships
- Uncontrolled Anger
- Lying
- Pride
- Manipulation
- No Time in The Word or Prayer
- Narcissism (selfishness)
- Gossip / Words that Wound
- Not Obeying When the Spirit of God is Leading You to Make a Change (Big One!)
We could fill up another page with temptations!
Is there a real, practical, way, we can resist and overcome – even when temptation is at a fever pitch?
Yes. There is a Way Out.
That’s Good News, gentlemen.
Your Father God, in His immeasurable love for you – – has indeed, made A Way Out. Check this out:
I Corinthians 10:13
Weymouth New Testament:
No temptation has you in its power but such as is common to human nature; and God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. But, when the temptation comes, He will also provide the way of escape; so that you may be able to bear it.
Check out the New Living:
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
How do you find The Way Out?
Here’s a Quote taken from one of my other articles titled “The IS A Way Out”:
I remember many times when I’ve been tempted to do something that I knew was wrong, or look at something that I had no business looking at. There would be that epiphany moment of “Holy Crap! I shouldn’t do this!”
That “epiphany moment” is your WAY OUT.
It only lasts for a few seconds. It’s 5 moments of sanity during your temporary insanity.
Take porn for example, since that is one struggle some of you talk with me about. In those brief moments, here are the immediate steps you can take:
- Walk away. Better yet, run! (aka, close that browser gentleman)
- Lift your hands in the air and begin worshiping your Father (Seriously? Yes. I am not kidding).
- Speak out loud a weapon from your Word Arsenal – like, “God, you said there is no temptation that I can’t overcome!” (I Corinthians 10:13)
Don’t stop worshiping. Don’t stop speaking His Word – until the temptation leaves.
It. Works. Every. Time.
Why does this work?
Because God also promised in James 4:7 that if you submit yourself to God (worship) and resist the devil (by speaking God’s Word) – your enemy must flee. That’s why it works.
(Getty Images)
The key is – don’t hesitate.
As soon as that revelation moment of “Holy Crap, I shouldn’t be Doing This” hits you – – in that very moment – –
- Get up
- Walk away from the temptation
- Lift your hands and begin to praise your Father God.
Temptation can’t stay where praise is lifted.
It’s that simple.
“Mark, could I even do this if my temptation was one of those listed above, and I am with others or in a public place?”
That depends how bad you want to live God’s fullest for your life. My answer is, YES. Get those hands up.
Try it.
Lift your hands to your Father God.
A simple, effective, weapon against any temptation. You don’t need music. You don’t need your I-phone.
Just lift your hands and begin thanking Him, boldly, and out loud – that you are free.
Are You Willing to Get Your Hands Where They Belong?
Read more about Building Your Word Arsenal: There IS a Way Out
When You do Stumble, This May Help: What To Do When You Miss It
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Copyright © 2015 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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