| Mark Edward |
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For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.
He never withdraws them when once they are given.
He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.
– Romans 11:29 AMPL
I’ve had many calls with men asking about Destiny.
What does God have for me?
What should I do next?
Just had one of those calls last night.
And another two days ago.
We’ve all asked.
I enjoy listening.

That, in itself is a Destiny.
A Gift.
I realized God gave that gift to me 30 years ago, and I have endeavored to develop, nourish, and protect it.
You can do the same with your giftings.
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After listening with both ears and one heart, here’s some of the questions I often ask:
- What do you want to do?
- What would you do if money was no object?
- What passions do you have?
- What would you do for free just because you have such a passion?
- What are you REALLY good at?
What you are really good at, usually reflects a part of your giftings.
God placed them in you before you were born.

They don’t change.
They don’t go away.
They are irrevocable.
Even if you screw up.
Sometimes we try to make it hard.
When, really, deep down inside, we already have that “knowing” where God is leading us.
We just need affirmation.
You may not have the “details” but you have that “knowing.”
The “knowing” is that warm, velvety ‘feeling’ in your spirit that says, ‘this is right’.

Essentially, that “Knowing” is the equivalent of Peace.
God’s very nature is peace.
So if He is “IN” what you are considering, that decision will be layered with peace.
What about the Job I Hate?
Yes, there are seasons for performing tasks that may not seem in line with your desires and destiny.
I am in one of those seasons at this writing!
Yet, my job has the best benefits in the nation; critical in my present circumstance.
Other Important Questions Are:
- Who have you trained to replace you? You wanna exit with grace and leave the place better than when you started. Leave a good taste in your present employer’s mouth.
- What “test” do you need to pass before you can move on?
- What do you need to “complete” before you feel that peace?
- If you take this step, will it contribute to or take away from your Destiny? (good thought for wife searching too)
- What do I already “hear” on the inside about my next step?

We’ll hit some of these in a longer article…but for now, finding your Destiny is as easy as knowing what you love doing.
And doing it.
Don’t over complicate it.
What do you love doing?
What would you do regardless of the pay?
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Copyright © 2014 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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