– Mark Edward –
ShorTTakes™ can be read in 3 minutes. Or less.
“Well… Christmas is OVER.”
I wish I had an American dollar bill for every time I heard my dad say that while growing up. Solemnly spoken, sorta moping, usually a week or so after Christmas – as far back as I can remember.
Don’t get me wrong. My dad is an amazing man. My Hero!
I inherited my desire to encourage others from him. Along with his amazingness, he’s always fought a bit of the “blues” after Christmas — wishing the joys of family, food, lights, and gifts could last just a little longer — sometimes with larger than life expectations.
Feeling a little blue after Christmas?
Studies show the majority of Americans have some sort of post holiday let down.
I’m not normally one of those “Well, Christmas is OVER” guys. I look forward to a fresh start for the new year.
I’m ready to get the tree down and move forward. But I have to admit, this Christmas season was rough for me.
Since this is a ShorTTake,™ I’ll spare the details, but one of my kids struggled fiercely in 2015. It was a roller coaster ride.
Due to outgoing medical expenses, we had no Christmas budget. Money that was given to us as a gift – we used to purchase small gifts for our kids.
I promised to be transparent when I launched this site, so yeah, it was that tight. Not whining here though – each of us have had rough times one year or another. It’s just that I enjoy giving.
Then There’s The Social Media Christmas.
It’s easy to begin comparing your gifts (given or received) with Joe Buff Faithbook.
Who has the biggest tree? The most elegant family gatherings? The coolest tech gadgets?
Drones? Trips to Europe? Big Instagram Smiles. No Pain. Only Gain.
It’s been said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
It’s not been like this every year. In Christmases past, we saved throughout the year and spent a bundle in cash (no charging).
Yet, this year, not buying gifts with my own money was really brutal on my male ego. At times this holiday, I felt depleted, empty, and unfulfilled at times, because I enjoy giving so much. I tried to be thankful.
But man! Those I-couldnt-buy-what-I-wanted-to Blues! For me it’s about giving. Not receiving.
As God would have it, during one of my blue –First Born Almost Only Child Musician I Didn’t Have Enough Money for Christmas- evenings, I was looking back through a velvet box of cards that has been under our tree for 27 years.
I came across the first card my (future) wife gave me, the night of our First Date – 9 months before we were married.
“Mark, I just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! Remember, it’s not the gifts that make Christmas; how many we receive or how many we can give. But it’s a time to share God’s love with those we hold dearest to our hearts. Treasure those moments. God Bless You, Mark. Have a great Christmas!” – Jamie — December 6, 1988

Flash Forward to 1994.
Our 5th year of marriage. Our oldest was just 2. She was too small to remember, but it was another Christmas we struggled.

I wasn’t the insecure, jealous, or manipulative one in that ministry experience, but that is exactly what I did during the summer of 1994.
I sold cars. At least they were Nissans and Mazdas!
From successful young Worship Leader in a growing church — to walking a car lot. We moved back home and sat on the back row of our home church.
We had lost our ministry, our income, our home, our friends, and our dignity. Unexpectedly.
We weren’t the only ones. Other young couples were derailed after us because of the same insecure, manipulative leadership. Hopefully as the years passed, things improved. We all grow and learn.
As I look back, God delivered us from what was, at that time, a toxic ministry environment.
As we pulled away from that ministry for the very last time, the Holy Spirit spoke to my wife one of the strongest words we have ever received during our entire marriage – before or since:

She declared it out loud. That word has carried us through perilous times for 23 years.
In the depths of that struggle, here’s what I wrote to my wife, Christmas of 1994:
Well Babe, this is IT: Your ONE present!
I never thought that I would see the day when I could only get you one gift. I couldn’t get you a serious card this year, because I’m not dealing very well with the lack we’ve experienced, so I figure I just need to be as light-hearted as possible.”
“We have learned so much through 1994 that will turn out to be precious gifts to us as we see the plan of God unfold for our future.”
“You are a wonderful wife and mother. When I feel sorry for myself, I hear inside me, ‘No Regrets’. You are my greatest gift this year. Things are gonna change.
– Love, Mark
— December 25, 1994
And change they did. For the better.
We’re still living with No Regrets.
Making It Real
Guys, if you are facing a bit of the post holiday blues, I’m pulling you up by the hand today. You can stand up and shake it off.
As you reflect on the outgoing year — if it wasn’t all that you wanted — make this a year of No Regrets.
You’ve got The Man living inside you.
Remind yourself that His Mercies are new every morning. He cares about every detail of your life.
He is the Creator of Dreams. He brings them to pass. The Completer of Destinies.
The Author.
The Finisher. Pick your Pitch.
Ignore the rest.
No Regrets.
Gentlemen, shut out distractions. Draw close to God your Father. You can read more about Getting Closer to God HERE.
Will you join me is rising above emotions and living this New Year with No Regrets?
Feel free to reply below or email us privately if you don’t want your mother stalking your personal business.
We never share email addresses.
We won’t blow up your IN box. We don’t air your dirty laundry. Ever.
Copyright © 2017, 2020 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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