– Mark Edward –
ShorTTakes™ can be read in 3 minutes. Or less.
Happy 38th BD to The Kid on the Left.
I was approaching High School when my parents announced they had some “big news” for me.
So, we’re moving to Zimbabwe as missionaries? My great-grandfather was an ax murderer?
My sainted mother has another secret entire family down in the Louisiana Bayou?
So what.
So I have 3 or 4 brothers or sisters I don’t know about.
Big deal.
Well, they had some news about brothers or sisters all right. One brother or one sister.
“You’re PREGnant?” I asked, in my most masculine voice.
Actually, I don’t think they used the word pregnant in the 70’s.
That was too sexual. Instead, they were “expecting.”
I remember thinking to myself,
I didn’t even know my parents still did THAT.
Obviously they did.
And this kid is the living proof.
So when he came along in February of 1977 when a democrat, Jimmy Carter, was POTUS, I just knew it was gonna be a boy.
I had prayed for a brother for several years.
So, I got what I asked for.
Yes. I had a FRO. Yes.
That classic Olds Cutlass with T-Tops – was mine.
As two autonomous generations, living life like an “only child” – yet brothers – we’ve never had sibling rivalry.
What is there to rival over when he is 4 and you are graduating from High School?
When he was wrong, I just spanked him. And that was that. Simple.
The Sweet Lord Jesus Himself knows he certainly has deserved a few.
Like when he destroyed my entire Matchbox and Hot Wheels collection. Actually, it’s my parent’s fault. They let him into my stuff when I was out on tour.
Just like they “borrowed” my new Cutlass while I was on the road.
Don’t think I didn’t notice when it wasn’t parked where I left it. And those scraped whitewalls. MOM!!!!!!!!!!
I went on said tour when my little bro was 2.
I lived 2000 miles away when he was 7.
When my wife and I married, we spent a couple of years with Micah in the same city again. He was in our wedding as a lad of 12.
Then, he had to up and move to the frozen-God-forsaken state of Kansas, while God moved us to heaven-on-earth, Palm Springs, California.
So, we’ve spent a great deal of time not together.
But apart.
Yet, as we live life together from a distance, I am so very proud of this godly young man.
He has a string of accomplishments but he doesn’t brag.
He is a successful musician, pastor, leader, and mentor.
He is a God Worshipper and God Lover.
He looks out for the needs of his wife.
He treasures his kids.
He loves them more than he loves “the ministry”.
He gives them the quality and quantity time they deserve.
Perhaps that is what I am most proud of him for.
His Right Priorities.
Happy 38th, kiddo.
Are you measuring your success by Right Priorities?
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Copyright © 2014 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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