| Mark Edward |
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There is no question that we live in a material conscious, status conscious, consumer based society.
Some churches teach the more stuff you have, the more faith you’ve exercised, the more God has blessed you.
Who doesn’t like having nice things?
Yet, having the (latest-greatest-biggest-newest-most expensive) Stuff is not a reflection of a close walk with God or amazing seed faith.
Nor does Stuff indicate that someone is “more blessed” than the next person.
I’m all for the best. You should view my Top-Ten-Must-Have-Car-List.
But if we believe the lie that Stuff is a measure of spiritual greatness and blessing, we are deceived.
Scores of people from Hugh Hefner to TheKardashians, Miley Cyrus to Justin Bieber, have Stuff reaching into the multi-millions.

Yet a close walk with God, great faith, and Divine blessing is no where to be found.
Do not be deceived.
Cast away, once and for all, the yardstick of measuring your brother by his Stuff.
Instead, ask youself:
Do his children genuinely enjoy hanging out with him?
Does his wife look forward to him coming home?
Does being in his company lift you up?
Does he honor God with his words and his actions?
Does he reverence and worship God?
Does he treat his employees with kindness and respect?
If the answer is “yes,” that man is truly rich.
J Lee. Grady, editor of Charisma Magazine, reminds us of what one of the pioneers of the modern concept of biblical prosperity, Kenneth E. Hagin, had to say in latter part of his ministry about “Stuff.”.
The points are originally taken from Mr. Hagin’s own book, The Midas Touch:
1. Financial prosperity is not a sign of God’s blessing.
If wealth alone were a sign of spirituality, then drug traffickers and crime bosses would be spiritual giants.
Material wealth can be connected to the blessings of God or it can be totally disconnected from the blessings of God.
2. People should never give in order to get.
(some ministers) try to make the offering plate some kind of heavenly vending machine … there is no spiritual formula to sow a Ford and reap a Mercedes.
3. It is not biblical to “name your seed” in an offering.
(claiming a specific benefit to get a blessing in return & focusing on what you are going to receive) “corrupts the very attitude of our giving nature.”
4. The “hundredfold return” is not a biblical concept.
He rejected the popular teaching that a believer should claim a specific monetary payback rate.
5. Preachers who claim to have a “debt-breaking” anointing should not be trusted.
Brother Hagin also told his followers:
Overemphasizing or adding to what the Bible actually teaches invariably does more harm than good.
Making it Real
It’s been said that on our death bed we won’t be thinking about our big house or our net worth.
My children will be at my bedside, not my broker.
It all burns up.

Note to my kids: When I do pass, please bury me in my S63 AMG.
Read more about What God Says About Money HERE
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Copyright © 2014 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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