| Mark Edward |
ShorTTakes™ can be read in 3 minutes. Or less.
For a Millenial trapped in a Baby Boomer Dad Bod, I’d like to think I’m genuinely a good listener.
Auditory musicians. We hear between the lines. We don’t forget stuff.
I listen for a living as a Claims Performance Analyst at the office. Well – at Work from Home – haha. I listen most every day of the week as I mentor young men in my Circle.
I look them in the eye and I’m not afraid to talk about anything. There’s nothing too shocking to hear.
True Listening — not Instagram Selfie Frozen Smile Listening — is a learned skill that we men can develop and sharpen. Even you “Type A” men, God love you.
Just when we think, “yeah, I’ve got this listening thing down” — we are wise to remember, we’ve never arrived. There’s always room to polish.
Today, as my bride is navigating this crazy Pandemic compounded with the normal hormone changes of her beautiful, graceful, Fifty-Something body, I am reminded that I can always sharpen my listening skills.
Hormones: What WAS God thinking? He must have been personally testing medical marijuana that day.
And He inhaled.

Never the less, Gentlemen: The best listening is done with our mouths shut.
Both the ears of our head and the ears of our heart wide open.
And. Our arms around our mate. Or a gentle hand hold.
We don’t need to interrupt with our amazing Male Ego Instant Answers.

One of my mentors, John Richard Longley, wisely told me back in 1991,
The best leaders put a watch over their mouth!
Then he would literally put his wrist watch over his mouth.
Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips | Psalm 141:3

It’s good advice for husbands too. And fathers. And leaders. And mentors. And friends. And politicians.
Sorry, this is a non-political zone – but that last one just slipped out.
Back to my woman.
I am in awe of your Oklahoma endurance, determination, and tenacity. I would not have made it this far with out you.
Beautiful woman, I continue to promise you bigger ears and arms than ego.

I hope every man reading this will promise his wife or wife to be, the same.
Shut Up. Listen. Hold Close.

– Mark Edward
Read more about How I Survived Four Women. And a Girl Dog. HERE
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Copyright © 2017 – 2020 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™