– Mark Edward –
Every man wants to feel closer to God.
We don’t like to admit we have feelings. We file them away. We try to ignore them.
We delete them. We pretend. Especially if they are feelings of loneliness or rejection.
“NO Problem, man. HEY! I’m cool.” But those feelings are still in our mental registry.

In my early years of raising 3 girls, I used to think only girls had feelings and, if I were raising boys, there would not be nearly so much drama.
Having since mentored many young men over the years, I see now how wrong I was.
Men have the same emotions as women.
We just handle them differently.
Sometimes we don’t handle them at all. Males have drama too. Lots of it.
We just call it “competition.”

In our male psyche, there is deep need to be accepted by our own gender and in particular, our peers, our dad, our heroes and our mentors.
Even more so, we long to be fully accepted by God.
Good part is, THAT has been handled. God has already done His part. He has fully accepted us. We are His sons.
Even when we “miss it”, we are still His.

Sons of The Most High God.
If you’ve accepted Him, you are His son. You belong to Him.
Fully accepted.
Yet, we must do our part too. We must acquaint ourselves with Him.

Get to know Him. Draw close to Him.
It’s not a one way street.
In Job 22:21-29 (NKJV, MSG, NLT), Job’s friend, Eliphaz, had some advice for Job when Job was distraught in the deepest darkest tunnel of his enormous losses. Eliphaz gave specific Instructions – which also came with specific Benefits.
Instruction // *Benefit
(Give in to Him. Come to Terms with Him)
*Things will go well for you

4) Lay up His Word in Your Heart…
(Build your Word Arsenal)
6) Remove Sin From Your Home…
7) Assign Your Treasure to the Dust
*You will lift up your face (confidently) to Him

*Light will shine on the road ahead of you

These are amazing promises!
Gentlemen, it’s time to acquaint ourselves with God.
His desire for you is greater than your desire for Him.
Turn off your smart phone, your big screen, your video games.
Not forever.
Just for a bit.

I’m not talking about being a weird hermit or spiritual freak.
Take 15 minutes and try some of the steps outlined above.
Don’t worry about the order. Don’t try to be perfect.
There is no perfect.
Really knowing Him, will change you inside out.
He’s Waiting for You.
He fully accepts you.
“The LORD is waiting to be KIND to you.
He rises to have compassion on YOU.” – Isa. 30:18.
“Draw close to God. He will draw close to you.” – James 4:8
Sons of The Most High God:
Which of these Steps can you Take Today to Get Closer to God Your Father?
Feel free to reply below or email us privately if you don’t want your mother stalking your personal business.
We never share email addresses.
We won’t blow up your IN box. We don’t air your dirty laundry. Ever.
Copyright © 2014 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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