| Mark Edward |
(📷 ⤴ First Fellow Mentors Summit, 2019)
As a mentor, one question I am routinely asked goes something like this:
So… Mentoring… I’ve heard of that. Now, um, how does all that work?
The need for healthy mentoring friendships is greater than ever.
Yet, so many young men have no regular mentors in their lives, let alone an understanding of how the mentoring relationship actually functions.
📷 Daniel Christopher Deal – 2015
Part of my Circle since January 2012.
He was 28.
I continue to welcome as many dudes into my Circle as I can handle, with the long term goal of modeling mentoring – so that you in turn will mentor others.
Presently, I have 30 young men in my Active Circles.
How does mentoring work?
Clicked “Read More?” CONTINUE HERE:
Years ago, I wrote, “Why a Mentor Breathes” (see Related Reading, below) which describes the heart of a mentor.
But, I have not publicly described the mechanics of mentoring and how the process looks day to day, year by year.
Until now.
Since 2019, young men who have come into my Circle have been required to read and sign The Mentoring Code.™
The Mentoring Code Agreement outlines in detail how mentoring works, from the initial First Contact, to developing a mentoring friendship that can span years, or even a life time.
I’ve decided to share this document publicly in the hopes that each of you will:
- Gain wisdom on how the mentoring process flows
- Turn up the flame to allow a mentor – and multiple mentors – into your life
- Be inspired to reach out to other men as you hone your personal mentoring skills
📷 Mirazul Nessa, 2020
Part of my Circle since October 2018
He was 24.
Your mentoring Circles don’t have to look like mine. I’ve been nurturing this gift a very long time.
Instead, make them uniquely your own.
Perhaps you can glean knowledge, wisdom, and understanding from our 39 years of mentoring that will help you build your own distinct and healthy Circles.
And solidify the value of having mentors in your own life.
I’m only 25. Should I mentor someone?
It’s time to stop asking that.
📷 Dr. Bruce Alan Abkes – March, 1985
One of my earliest employees.
He stayed around 38 years to become friends.
Yes. We had grapes in our noses.
🎙Companion Podcast on this topic to follow soon as well!
For now, here ya go, gentlemen:
Disclaimer: Those who read my posts know I love pictures. “A graphic in every thumb swipe” haha.
Over the years, Jamie and I have treasured countless photos of the young men with whom I’ve had the honor to meet. I’ve included a few of those photos in the The Mentoring Code. It is never my intend to elevate any mentee above another or leave anyone out.
If you would like your picture and story of how mentoring has impacted your life shared in our What You Are Saying gallery, please contact me.
Each of you have your own unique place in my mentoring soul.
Related Reading:
Feel free to reply below or email us privately if you don’t want your mother stalking your personal business.
We never share email addresses.
We won’t blow up your IN box. We don’t air your dirty laundry. Ever.
Copyright © 2022 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site,I’d Rather Talk™
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