I have mixed feelings about updating this post.
But, I’ve decided to maintain it.
It’s a little weird sharing what people say about you. But it helps to keep the mentoring vision before me.
Photo cred: Kasey Lynn
DI Coffee Bar
Davis Islands, Tampa Bay
To fuel my giftings as a mentor. As a friend.
To re-fire and re-motivate me when I am tired and my Mentoring Wells are low (that doesn’t happen too often).
To assure my shifting mind and passionate soul that the mentoring relationships I’ve gained – those young men stuck with me – surrendered to change, grew, overcame, and conquered — far outweigh the pain of those relationships I’ve lost — those young men who jumped ship early.
Or ghosted the mentoring relationship.
To be present for young men who are still drowning in the waters of Self Loathing, fractured foundations, porn addictions, unhealed father wounds, sexual identity struggles, incomplete Man Journeys, and empty Man Tanks.
And most importantly — those who have yet to experience the freedom of walking as a #SOTMHG.
The Mueller Brothers
London, UK
Some of the Best Musicians Planet Earth
Journeying With These Guys Since 2008
Son Of The Most High God.
Your thoughtful words, texts, calls, and photos of your progress remind of the course-altering fruit our meetings bring to your lives.
And mine.
The majority of men we have helped in 42 years of mentoring have stayed in the game. Every text, call, Facetime, and face-to-face meeting is worth it.
Here’s a small sampling of What You Are Saying.
I most likely got your permission, but If you don’t want your REAL name used here, let me know.
I am throwing in a few screen shots of personal texts as well – I will leave those nameless.
David Ryan Martin
PRAYER: “Mark, I appreciate you more than I can express.
When you prayed for me, God fell on me. It was real. It was powerful and amazing.”
— Dave M. (Husband, Father, Worship Leader, Musician, Craftsman)
Dave, you can’t make that stuff happen. I felt His power too!
He loves you so much man! I love you too. You are a #SOTMHG.
No more island. Congrats to you and Kathe!!
Joseph Patrick Bulger
FRIENDSHIP: “Thank you for sending me that song.
As always, it came at the perfect time. I read every one of your posts, too.
I am thankful for your constant friendship and guidance.”
— Joseph B. (Creative Professional – Photographer)
And I am thankful to not only mentor, but to be friends with my guys. Until they are old. And I am really old.
Joseph, your growth in God makes my soul overflow. Keep after it. I love you.
It seems like you were just 16 in that Mustang. And Pinto. And Toyota mid-engine MR2.
Now this!!! I am so excited for you and Jenna!!
Joseph and Jenna
– R. M. C.
Part of my Circle since 2008
Sherman Corey Hackett Jr.
Arielle, and the lovely Violet
CRAFTING RELATIONSHIPS: “Mark, I appreciate the way you craft relationships.
I can feel the love and grace you’ve extended to me, starting to come out onto others in my life.
I’ve been able to get closer to my sisters. It feels really great.
I attribute much of my emotional, expandable energy to the example you have set for me.”
— Sherman H. (Husband, Father of Violet, Photographer, Amazing Chef)
I met Sherman in 2000 when his mother, Deborah, worked with Jamie and I in Southern California.
He was a young lad of 9. A shepherd in my Christmas Productions.
Now, 20 years later, what an honor it is to journey with the son of one of my former worship team members – as a mentor and friend.
Deborah, “Mama D”, his mom, died suddenly in 2016. She was the finest (yes – i said the finest) musician I have worked with in 40 years of leading and playing. None Better. She never missed a cue. She nailed it every time.
She was humble.
Deborah Hackett
October 28, 1962 — March 20, 2016
I will never forget receiving that text.
I had not spoken to Sherman since 2005 when he was 14. Her death, as tragic as it was, re-united us, as I began to reach out to Sherman and his sisters (who are friends of my daughter Sierra).
Young friend, despite traumatic loss, you endured. Despite where you missed it, you are walking forward. I am so proud of you.
I am excited about 2019 for you and Arielle. Your Future is Bright.
Do What He Shows You.
Sherman and Violet
– W. E. L.
Part of my Circle since 2015
Joshua Daniel Loya
SAFE AND STABILIZING: “Thank you for being in my life. It is an incredible pleasure, comfort, and gift to know you, and to be near you.
Thank you for being interested in my life and always wanting the best for me. My time with you is Quality Time and I enjoy it so much. It fills my soul.
Most men don’t feel they can talk about personal things with anyone. I love you for being a stabilizing presence in our lives.”
— Josh L. (Software Developer, D&D Expert)
In my Circle since June of 2018, Josh is a MK (Missionary’s Kid) — and lived to tell about it.
Being a PK myself (Preacher’s Kid) we have a lot in common. Josh was very reserved and a bit shy at first. I didn’t even know his last name for a while.
When I asked about his last name, he said, “Do you really need that?” – LOL – and my answer was, “No, I don’t!”
I needed to earn his trust. He needed to know I was a safe listener.
Beach Trip Breakfast at Jamie’s and My Place on Davis Islands.
Now, shyness dissipated, Josh is one of those friends I can hang with all day and walk away feeling refreshed. Not drained.
Sometimes 1 or 2 hours of silence will pass during our dude meetings or coffee shop co-working meetings.
Empty filler words drain friendships. Silence enhances them.
One of the favorite things I’ve learned from you, Joshua, is what you said during our discussions about young men not resting and refreshing enough:
I think we often feel our hearts hungry and longing, but we don’t take the time to see what’s going on and find the soul nourishment we really need.
I’m proud of you for nailing this in your own life this year. I love you too, young friend!
David Camden Mueller
COME SO FAR: “I’m so glad we’ve been in each other’s lives for 18 years!
It means the world to have you on my side. Thank you for reaching out, and being a role model in my life.
I struggled with insecurities, but I’ve come so far. Your encouragement has gotten me through some really tough times.
Thank you for listening to my rants!”
— Camden M. (Songwriter, Creative Professional, Musician
Camden, you’ve listened to many of my rants!
You’ve stood with me during great loss and great pain. I am so proud of your growth. You are one of the most gifted musicians I know. And better yet, a man of integrity.
David Camden 2018
Inset – Mark and Camden, Lake of the Ozarks 2009
Powerful Song Writer.
Exquisite voice and musicianship.
Your gifts will make room for you.
Christopher Marichal
LIKE A FATHER: “Love you Mark! Thank you for your faithfulness to help young men grow in so many different areas of their lives.
You are so used by God.
You have been such a blessing to me, and have taken on the role of a father in my life.
You are truly a father to so many young men.”
Chris, years ago, while praying about my future, I heard down on the inside, ‘father to many.’
At the time my girls were little. I would not trade my women for anything btw — they are the best!
I didn’t realize how much my role as a father to many young men would expand.
Now, I do my best to fulfill that role when it is needed.
I can’t put into words what it means to me to have spiritual sons across the nation.
You’ve come so far, Chris! Indeed you are one of my sons.
Your S.O. is just around the corner.
#youreinagoodplace #runyourownrace #since2015
Jordan Daniel Mueller
A GIFT: “Thank you for pouring into me. It is honestly priceless to me.
I can’t thank you enough. It honestly couldn’t have come at a better time in my life.
Every time we met, it was like God handing me a gift. Personally for me.”
— Jordan (College Grad, Musician, Songwriter, Worship leader)
Jordan, It is my honor and pleasure.
I know you will pass it on throughout your life. I am excited about that!
Meeting with you weekly, for 20 months, is an investment I have never regretted.
So much grace. So much growth.
He loves you that much to give you one on one care. God did that many times for me too!
#TYOJ #whoisthatman #jordanmuellermusicLLC #since 2008
Chris Michael Rudolph & Lauren Rudolph
THINGS ARE GOING GREAT: “By the way, things are going great. Lots of grace & training in our marriage from others and from Lauren.
Thanks so much for being such a great friend, Mark. It means the world to me that I can talk openly with you.
I’ll never forget the wisdom you have shared with me over these past few years.
Your transparency is one of the most impactful aspects of your mentoring style.
When I get off the phone with you, I feel validated, settled, quietly confident, and most of all — loved — in a uniquely masculine, fatherly way.
Your friendship is an incredible gift.”
– – Chris R. (Entrepreneur, Creative Professional, Videographer, Musician)
Humbled here. It is my honor and joy.
You have greatly impacted my life and my family. I am deeply glad we are friends.
#fellowkeyboardplayersunite #fellowaccordowner #jazzchords
#fellowmentor #peers #lifelonginnercircle #since2008
Cody Jones
THANK YOU: “Yes. Thank you for taking the time to create this site. I’ve been reading the site and everything is true guidance.”
– – Cody J. (College Student, Actor)
Well, I don’t know about “everything,” but thank you Cody. Eat the hay, spit out the sticks!
Russell Lee Terry and “Elliott”
NEVER STOP DREAMING: Thank you for your voicemail my dear friend. You made me laugh!
I promise to never stop dreaming. I will always strive for my dreams and rely on God to help me accomplish them.
I am glad you mentor. You have been a huge help to me on this journey, and shown me a lot of wisdom.
You being honest helps me be honest. Thank you for standing with me. We stick together!
Russell T. (Licensed Mortgage Broker, Fellow Accord Owner)
Russell, I love journeying with you. Til you are old. I am REALLY old haha.
I promise to never stop dreaming as well.
Taylor Adam Welch
BALANCING LIFE: “What I’ve learned from you is, it’s more important to please God than people.
Life is better enjoyed and better lived with balance.
A good thing can become a bad thing if it begins to take the place of God and the important people in your life.
That. And a thousand other things…
MMMMaaaaarrrrrkkkkk!! I Miss you!”
– – Taylor W. (Creative, Musician, Entrepreneur, Business Professional)
I miss you too! I’ve loved journeying with you, every laugh and every call, over the last 10 years.
I miss those weekly Tuesday face to face meetings that Brenton used to butt on on – way back in 2010!
Devin Robert Mueller
MUSICIAN TO MUSICIAN: “Mark, Happy Birthday Today! You are an amazing man of God. I am so blessed to have you in my life. 18 years. Crazy!
Thank you for everything you have done for me and for my family.
I’ve been listening to the recording I made of you playing and singing, ‘Come Holy Spirit’ all day long. Seriously!”
— Devin M. (Real Estate Professional, Creative, Musician)
Devin, it is my supreme honor and joy to journey with you, your brothers, and your parents.
Not many men get the experience of being friends with multiple generations – you, Camden, Jordan — and your Dad. It’s difficult to put into words how valuable this journey with The House of Mueller has been to me.
I love you so much. Your family is my family. I am proud of you and your progress.
Dane Richard Mohrmann
Playing Together at The Big House
STRUGGLES: “Every struggle that I face is not simply for my own benefit.
God uses everything I go through to provide a way for me to help others through similar situations in the future. My struggle can benefit others.
OH Mark! How did you know I needed that article today? I love and miss you man!
And loving your wife and daughters is what you have always been best at. Better than just about anyone I know.”
– – Dane M. (Father, Musician, Creative, Business Professional)
Dane Richard and Chelsea Mohrmann, 2012
A bunch of you former Springfield guys are tying the knot I love you and miss you t.oo!
Dane, I am so happy for you and Chelsea! I am proud of you and the man you are.
Marriage and fatherhood are awesome!
Timothy Andrew Webb
GODLY YOUNG MAN: “Mark, you’ve walked with me for a long time since Springfield. You’ve shared my many ups and downs.
Thank you for seeing the potential and believing in me — even when I couldn’t believe in myself. You’ve loved me for who I am. You’ve been a constant source of encouragement.
And for being a friend.
It’s so cool to know that you are rooting for me, and care about me deeply. Thank you for your mentor-ship.
Calling me ‘godly young man’ over and over, impacted me enormously. I love you Mark! You mean the world to me!
– – Timothy W. (Musician, Children’s Pastor)
Timothy, this voicemail made my week. I saved it. I love you too!
It has been my honor and joy to be a part of your growth and progress since the Original Springfield Circle in 2008.
My soul is delighted when I think about the number of children you impact for the Kingdom of God everyday!
The woman of your dreams is getting ready for you. (Editor: Tim and Paula married in 2020!!)
When you least expect it.
Jose Jesus Romero and Dayma
PERSEVERANCE: “Today after service, I was thinking a lot about you.
About how you have shown me what true love, perseverance, faith, and a true warrior of God is. I love you!
Thank you for everything you have done in my life.”
– Jose R. Husband, Father to Emma, Photographer, Business Owner
Thank you Jose! I love you too.
I love journeying with you. Thank you for the times you have poured kindness, love, and a young man’s viewpoint back into my life.
I am so proud of you, the man you are, and your progress!
Brenton Robert Miles
Brenton and Shelby
IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS: God has something massive ahead for you Mark.
Even in the midst of what looks like chaos, or even silence, this very chapter of your life is taking you to new depths of understanding just how GREAT He actually is.
God is sending the rain to water your fields.
And it won’t just be an acre of fruitfulness. It will be entire regions of fields.
Fields you won’t be able to contain or tend on your own.
— Brenton M. (Husband, Father, Musician, Songwriter, Worship Leader, Producer, Engineer, Business Owner)
Thank you for this word. It pierced my soul.
Weren’t you just 20? Now you are 30 something.
And. A Dad!! Some of my favorite days were playing on the same platform with you in The Big House.
You were one of the rare 5% who came to me and asked for mentoring.
I am forever glad I said, “yes.”
Daniel Christopher Deal, and Lisa
DATING ADVICE: “The first thing I always think of when dating, is having someone to hold you accountable.
Of course, that is good at every stage of life, but especially when your hormones are telling you to take her clothes off.”
— Danny D. (Successful husband and father of 4, business professional, ministry leader, mentor)
Good stuff, Daniel.
Accountability is a part of mentoring. It is also a part of any healthy relationship.
Thank you for journeying with me every day. It means a great deal to me. I always look forward to talking.
Same I-75 Freeway. 350 miles apart. 100 Prayers. 200 Laughs.
I love you Daniel! Your beautiful bride and four babies are a blessing to our family.
#fellowhondaowner #fellowmentor #fellowfather
Logan Edward Welch
TOO MANY FATHER FIGURES: “Mark! Happy Father’s Day!!!
You have been such a friend to me. But also a great extra fatherly figure when I needed one. You can never have too many fatherly figures in your life you know!
I love you so much, and I am so incredibly thankful for you. Sometimes I just don’t have words.
But in this friendship, I know I don’t always need words. Love ya!”– Logan W. (Business Professional, Horticulturalist)
Logan, I wish every man in my Circle could have the love, leadership, and affection that your dad, Lance Edward (great middle name), has given you.
Yet, in 2009, Lance approached me and asked, “Could you mentor my son?”
He was referring to your brother, Taylor Adam.
At the time I was surprised because I knew Lance was a fantastic dad. When, I asked “why,” Lance replied,
“Because you’re a musician. A Creative. I am not.
You can show him another side of the mountain.”
I did meet with Taylor every week for a year and a 1/2. Five years later, I was honored to journey with you as well.
I love you too, and I am so proud of your progress.
Do What He Created You to Do, Young Friend. I Know You Will.
Christopher Michael Rudolph and Lauren
“I feel like I jumped up a level or two just recently in my spiritual life that helped me grow up a bit in my relationship with my wife.
I’ve started making time to spend with God in the MORNING, reading His Word & a couple of devo books (Jesus Calling & My Utmost for His Calling).
I also refreshed my ‘prayer list’ of things I’d like to consistently lift up before the Lord.
The cool thing is, just that small bit of time has made such a huge difference already.
Developing a personal history with HIM is enabling me to give grace to others & actually operate in The Spirit.
It’s just plain awesome.”
– – Chris R. (Entrepreneur, Creative, Videographer, Musician)
Chris Again??
Yes. Chris gets to be in here twice.
He’s just that cool.
(Read Chris’s dating experience: The Dating Game )
My heart is never to exclude any guy in my Circle.
If you’d like to share your experiences here in “What You Are Saying,” I’d love that.
Call, text, or email me. Let’s get it on here!