– Mark Edward –
It has been my custom for many years to address the young men in my Mentoring Circle by calling them “godly young men.”
I’ve been known to grin and say,
“Hey godly young man!” “Hey godly young married man…” “Hey godly young father of one… (two or three or four)…”
The greeting changes as they mature and step forward into their 30’s and 40’s. But the heart and purpose behind it is the same.
Sometimes guys chuckle and mumble something like, “I don’t feel very godly today.”
Often, they proceed to tell me of some recent stumble or failure – at least in their eyes.
Being the stubborn first-born musician that I am, I don’t let that stop me.
I call them “godly” regardless of their present relationship or “standing” with their Father God. No matter where a young man misses it, I am determined to speak out what God says about him.
They may keep making mistakes.
I don’t identify them by those mistakes. And believe me, in 35 years of mentoring, I’ve heard every sin in the book.
And some not in the book.
A minister friend I had the privilege of hosting, Joe McGee, once said, “God called Gideon what he was going to become, not what he was at that moment.”
The angel said, “Gideon, The LORD is with you, mighty man of valor” – Judges 6:12
In Genesis One, God demonstrated this same principle with enormous authority and power.
He “said”. Things “became.”
God spoke things into existence things that weren’t yet present. Or they were there in some form, but His words transformed them into something of value.
Of course, Jesus followed His Father’s example.
When the pious religious leaders in the New Testament were ready to stone the woman caught in adultery, Jesus saw her as a woman who could be free from sin.
He literally rescued her from death as He boldly and publicly proclaimed,
Let he who is without the sin, cast the first stone — John 8:7
Scene from The Passion Movie
Jesus bent down and began writing in the dust. Some scholars say He may have been listing some of their sins.
Not one accuser remained.
He admonished her, “go your way, and don’t sin any more.”
He would not have told her to stop sinning – – if it was not possible for her to do so.
When ever I am tempted to judge men for their faults or errors, I do the following:
- Go stand in front of the mirror.
- Think back on my own teen and young adult life.
- Repent.
- Stop pointing fingers – and start offering open arms.
- Repeat.
The Apostle Paul also saw the big picture instead of the small present.
He told us to:
Call those things that be not (yet), as though they already were (now). – Romans 4:17
Guys, you are a godly, even when you don’t feel like it.
You are godly simply by the sheer virtue of what your Elder Brother, Jesus, did for you through Salvation.
He set you free.
He put you in right standing (made you righteous) before Your Father.
You didn’t deserve it.
You can’t earn it.
It’s something He’s given you.
It’s Free.
Right Standing.
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. – 2 Corinthians 5:21 NAS
Making It Real
From this day forward, I challenge you to look in the mirror, point to your self, call your name out-loud, and say,
I am godly. I am righteous. I am a son of the Most High God.
Because of Jesus.
Whether you feel like it or not.
As a young twenty-something, when I struggled with confidence and my personal appearance as a young man, I would sometimes add,
and I’m handsome and good-looking!
You laugh.
It helped.
Get Back Up
If you stumble, as men sometimes do, don’t lay there and bleed.
Get back up.
So what if you took two steps backward?
Take three steps forward. You’ll still get there.
Because of Jesus you are:
Free Indeed.
A Son of The Most High God
That’s who you really are.
Do you see yourself as who you really are?
Maybe it’s time.
— Mark
Read more about What to Do When You “Miss it” —> HERE
Learn more about Your Sonship with God —> HERE
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Copyright © 2015 by Mark Edward – All Rights Reserved
This article was first published on the site, I’d Rather Talk ™
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